From 8:45–9:05am, enter new access way and drop off students in Area B (upper lot). Students will exit vehicles from the right hand side in two designated drop off areas at the foot of the stairs. Area B will be closed to all through traffic and parking during this time. Anyone coming to school during this time will park in Area C (lower lot). To exit any parking areas, you must get into the drop off line to leave.
After 9:05am, students must be walked into the building by a parent or guardian. Park in either parking lot.

“KISS, WAVE, AND GO”— Ensure that your children’s belongings are ready before entering the drop-off area. Someone is on duty to see all children safely into the building. If you need more time, drive through, park and walk your children into school.
Children may not be dropped off prior to 8:45am without permission from a teacher or unless they are a member of one of the morning clubs. Children may not proceed to classrooms prior to 8:45am.
Handicapped students and adults with an official handicapped sticker may park on the left side of the building in the designated parking spots.
Please Note: Cars entering for drop off, pickup, or visitation must use the access way by the Little Red Schoolhouse between 8:40-9:05 and 3:15-4:00. Following this procedure will allow uninterrupted access for buses during arrival and dismissal.